About the Outdoor Area

Our outdoor environment is divided into separate spaces in order to support the development of children. The spaces we have created enable children to enjoy the natural environment, to get fresh air and to do all the things children do – running, jumping, chasing, rolling and more. Outside children can be as loud as they want, they can be as messy as they want and they can practice the development of their physical skills without the same constraints as the indoors. Outdoors also supports the development of children’s relationships as they play with other children. Together they create houses, and castles, tunnels and mountains. They push each other around on wheeled toys and roll hoops, balls and tyres to each other.

All of the spaces are suitable for all of the children from the youngest two year olds who may not be steady on their feet yet to the oldest children who are nearly school age.

The grassed area - enables children to run freely, to build structures for balancing and climbing. It is a space for building, crawling and hiding, for lying on the grass and for looking at mini-beasts and any other creative thoughts that children may have. This space supports children’s physical development.

Our decking area - is a place where children’s aesthetic awareness can be supported – this space has many beautiful things for children to see, hear, feel, touch. The sounds, the textures, the smells are all completely different to what we can offer indoors. In this space we can offer children a range of all year round opportunities for appreciating the natural world and we organise seasonal experiences as appropriate. This space facilitates scientific exploration.

This space also enables children to construct with a range of found, natural and recycled resources. Outdoors the children can construct on a much larger scale than indoors and they can use bigger materials such as crates and pieces of wood.

Our sheltered space - right outside the back door is an extension of our indoor space. Here children can paint, play with sand, clay, water, collage, draw and anything else they choose to do.

The field beyond the fence - We are very lucky to have a huge, open field area behind the nursery that we can use at any time. It is fully enclosed and safe. Here the children go on nature walks to collect things. We might go and look through the garden next door at all the fruit and vegetables Hilary is growing or we might just go for a walk.

Our outdoor spaces offer endless possibilities!