"Imagine... Creative Early Years is an example of outstanding provision. Children receive superb care and education, which ensures they make excellent progress in their learning and development.” - OFSTED 2011

At Imagine… we offer a rich and unique place for play, learning and development. The range of experiences we offer is a result of the years of research and development we have undertaken in order to offer the very best we can. We do not stop here, we continue to research and update our understanding, knowledge and skills.

Like adults, we consider children to be researchers and this is reflected in the way we work with them. We recognise each of them to be unique and all of them to be the directors of their own learning- in doing so, we work in partnership with children to enable, empower and help them achieve their potential.

We are a little different from other nurseries and we think you might be nicely surprised at what we have to offer.

Please come and visit us and see for yourself.

"The leadership and management of the setting is excellent and the manager and staff have a wealth of knowledge and experience between them. Safeguarding is given a very high priority so children's welfare is assured." - OFSTED 2011